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The Tunnel is slightly curved so you can't quite see from one end to the other.

Eastern Entry

July 2014

Update: There has been a massive cleanup at the tunnel - you could as at July 2014 now easily access either end - shame about the rampant Graffiti though.
Updated Photos below - click for a bigger version

West Tunnel
Western End July 2014

Inside West End
Inside west End 2014

Looking out West End
Looking out West End

Looking out East
Inside looking East

Eastern End
Eastern End

The Tunnel:

The eastern end of the tunnel entrance was fairly overgrown both in 2005 and 2013 when I visited - I'd recommend long pants and good boots (waterproof)

Eastern Entry

Inside the tunnel it is full of graffiti and rubbish - take a strong torch!

Looking West out of the Tunnel

The Western end of the tunnel exits into quite a deep cutting.

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