Southport Station

The Photos below were downloaded years ago and I can't remember from where, if you know let me know I'd like to attribute it (also ask permission to use it)..
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Click for larger imagePhoto of the old Station (sorry lost the source record)

Click for larger image Looking South over the Southport Station from the early 20th century

Click for larger image Interestingly On a Map from 1878 the Station could have been in Labrador, just about where the Grand Apartments are now, and the Grand Hotel before - It was a deep water area and would have been a logical freight interchange.

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Bigger map of railway St

Southport Station The Southport Transit station is rougly on the old station location and as you can see from the curious land plot boundaries there is a curved path toward High St. The remains of the concrete for the turntable were still present when I moved to the Gold Coast in 1989 but now lost. You will see in the "Images of Yesteryear" photo there was always a dogleg in Railway Street to the East (right) of this image, There were lots of shunting tracks immediately in front of the station the track past the station was narrower, hence the street moved back south.

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