Southport to Helensvale

The approximate route of the old line is shown in blue on the map on the left, you can follow the journey using the "Next" link on each page or if you are impatient go to the Site Map page to skip to a particular page.

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South Map

Approximate Path The Southport end of the line starts under the Southport Transit Station, the old turntable for the engine to turn around was roughly in the garden at the back of the building. the line then ran up to the corner of High street and Nind Street, around the back of St Hildas School, down to the edge of Owen Park then across the creek and over Ewan Street to run in a dog leg across Wardoo Street. From Wardoo street the old track is now a walkway to Griffith uni as it runs past Woomera Cresent it then crosses over Smith Street very close to where the new light rail bridge goes over. It then ran along parrallel to the road until it crossed back to the south of Smith street at the Olsen Ave Interchange. From there it runs around the back of the Molindinar factory estate, across Ashmore road/Activity Cres and eventually to the old Ernest Junction Station that was approximately between Export Drive and Ashmore Road. A fork in the line then ran south to Nerang. Just past this station is the old Tunnel from where the line ran west to the Smith Street/M1 interchange area and then rougly paralleled the new line to Brisbane Road. The Line then also rougly followed the new line to the coombabah creek where it crossed onto the edge of the Gold Coast Country Club and then down to the approximate area of the New Helensvale Station.

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